An amazing Reiki 1 weekend has passed where lives changed in a miraculous way ( miracles always happen when pure unconditional love is unveiled). I just know that my main focus will be, and is, bringing Reiki into the lives of as many people as possible. Reiki is the most non invasive, gentle yet profoundly powerful healing modality I know. I just wanted to let you know that I have registered a domain exclusively for my Reiki teachings. www.ReikiBahamas.com. The website is under construction. I will let you know when it is online, In the meantime, please visit my Reiki page on my website:www.radianthealthcenterbahamas.com I will update the calendar for upcoming Reiki seminars. Please e-mail, call or leave a message on my blog if you are interested in Reiki. Any questions and comments are welcome. May love and light surround you always, Namaste Angelika