To all Reiki practitioners from 1st grade to Master teacher!
I invite you to come to a Gathering to share, explore and heal in the spirit of Reiki.
Saturday November 14th from 10:00 am to 1:00pm at Radiant Health Center, Freeport Bahamas We will review and share our experiences with Reiki and/or the changes that have taken place. I will share with you my new understandings about the history and practice of Reiki the way I learned it from my Japanese Reiki Master Teacher Inamoto Hayakuten. I will share some of the original writings that are unpublished in the western hemisphere. We will start at the Center and may end our sessions at 1pm for lunch at the Garden of the Groves. The time is now to prepare for the coming of a new era. The world is changing fast. We are called upon to hold the light and assist in the birthing process. Let us come together and strengthen each other and increase the light force within and on our planet. It is a most urgent and most magical time in which focused action is called for.
Thank you for your love and light,
Radiant Health Center, Freeport, Grand Bahama Island,
The Executive Office Centre, West Mall Drive/ Adventurers Way.