Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Reminder for Reiki Gathering in Freeport

The countdown has started... 11 days to our Reiki Gathering in Freeport Grand Bahama Island. Let us deepen our understanding of Reiki and connect with one another to raise the healing vibration within ourselves as well as for our planet.

Find more information on my website at the Reiki page.

Love and Radiance,

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Reiki Gathering

To all Reiki practitioners from 1st grade to Master teacher!

I invite you to come to a Gathering to share, explore and heal in the spirit of Reiki.

Saturday November 14th from 10:00 am to 1:00pm at Radiant Health Center
, Freeport Bahamas
We will review and share our experiences with Reiki and/or the changes that have taken place. I will share with you my new understandings about the history and practice of Reiki the way I learned it from my Japanese Reiki Master Teacher Inamoto Hayakuten. I will share some of the original writings that are unpublished in the western hemisphere. We will start at the Center and may end our sessions at 1pm for lunch at the Garden of the Groves. The time is now to prepare for the coming of a new era. The world is changing fast. We are called upon to hold the light and assist in the birthing process. Let us come together and strengthen each other and increase the light force within and on our planet. It is a most urgent and most magical time in which focused action is called for.
Thank you for your love and light,


Radiant Health Center, Freeport, Grand Bahama Island,
The Executive Office Centre, West Mall Drive/ Adventurers Way.
242-352-1010 radiantcouncil@mac.com

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Why "Breath of Peace" in Yoga?

Every teacher has his or her own style, so also in the teaching and practice of Yoga.
The name came to me one morning in meditation, and it just felt right. This is what I teach, it is my style. But I still asked my Higher Self: Why Breath of Peace in Yoga? And this is what came from my sub conscience into my awareness:
The breath happens in the moment. Not in the future, not in the past, but in the eternal NOW. Peace resides in the 'now'. Peace is a state of acceptance and surrender to the inflow and outflow of air and prana. The acceptance and the surrender is the foundation of Peace.
By surrendering to the breath we bring peace into our multi-dimensional Being.
The gentle movement into various yoga postures deepens the breath and moves the frequency of harmony and peace throughout every cell of the body...bringing into being a state of unity of body mind and spirit.

This is what I feel, this is what I teach and therefor I call my practice of Yoga: Breath of Peace

If you want to experience the healing benefits of yoga together with the right way of breathing in a beautiful surrounding, the Garden of the Groves, join me.
Classes start on October 6th 2009. Thereafter every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8:30 am to 9:30 am. Mats and props can be rented for $ 1.00 per session. Better bring your own, including water, towel and a small pillow to sit on.
A strap, or long belt would be good to have on hand as well.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Breath of Peace Yoga in the Garden of the Groves

As the heat of the bahamian summer is winding down, Yoga in the "Garden of the Groves" is materializing. A thought and then a dream that came to fruition within a couple of days. Is it not astounding how quickly we manifest our desires these days...just as quickly as time seems to run through our fingers like sand. Time is on a path of contraction; I feel it is sometimes tough to keep up.

Here is a short writeup on the event that starts on October 6th 2009 and thereafter every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8:30 am to 9:30 am in the 'Garden'.

To all my dear friends and clients, I invite you to join me for Yoga in the Garden of the Groves in October. I realize that the days and times will only work for those who manage the small but complex and hectic company called 'household'. ...Also my retired friends may have the time and those who are out of work for whatever reason, or those who can choose their time for work. But this is a start. I am excited and hope to greet many of your beautiful people to come together to strengthen our bodies, minds and spirits. It is not only going to be really good for us health-wise, but I promise a lot of joy. Read below and call me for more information.

What is Breath of Peace Yoga?

I have taken easy and medium difficult postures from Hatha Yoga and combined them into a flowing movement. By deepening the breath and surrendering to the movement, your body can relax and move beyond the barrier of resistance. This allows your mind to release tension, your muscles to soften and your breath to slow down and strengthen the entire body.

We start with a short centering visualization followed by a few warm-up postures. Then we move deeper into various Yoga postures and end the session with a series of breathing exercises and a short meditation.

What better place to calm your mind, strengthen your body and get out of the ‘breathless rush ‘ into a state of peace and harmony in the midst of the beautiful Garden of the Groves. The effects of regular Yoga practices have tremendous benefits which reflect throughout your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.

Give yourself the gift of peace and unity within your body.

Angelika Christie Call me at 242-352-1010 to find out more details or go to the URL below


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Reiki Center of the Bahamas

An amazing Reiki 1 weekend has passed where lives changed in a miraculous way ( miracles always happen when pure unconditional love is unveiled). I just know that my main focus will be, and is, bringing Reiki into the lives of as many people as possible. Reiki is the most non invasive, gentle yet profoundly powerful healing modality I know. I just wanted to let you know that I have registered a domain exclusively for my Reiki teachings. www.ReikiBahamas.com. The website is under construction. I will let you know when it is online, In the meantime, please visit my Reiki page on my website:www.radianthealthcenterbahamas.com I will update the calendar for upcoming Reiki seminars. Please e-mail, call or leave a message on my blog if you are interested in Reiki. Any questions and comments are welcome. May love and light surround you always, Namaste Angelika

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Just a quick update

My apology for not having given you the correct link to my NuSkin web page. The link is longer than I thought, so here it is again and correctly:

I know, it's a bit long, but you only have to copy and past it in your URL, and it takes you right to the site with all the information and very nice videos.

Let me hear from you what you think.
Joy and radiant health,

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Find out more about radiant skin

I am back with more information on NuSkin, one of the best products for your skin, your body, and, (so important right now) your financial well being!
It is not easy these days to separate the fads and fake from the treasures. Galvanic Spa System from NUSkin is such a treasure.
I have just created a dedicated website for you to get all the information you need. Check it out by going to: www.radianthealthcenter.nsedreams.com

I have 5 units at Radiant Health Center and if you like to see it first hand, even get a free treatment, just e-mail me and we set a time.

Saturday May 23rd at 10:00 AM at Radiant Health Center in Freeport, Bahamas
call: 242-353-1010 or send me an e-mail: info@radianthealthcenterbahamas.com

I wish you many blessings and radiant health.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Introducing NuSkin to our Center

When I returned form the A4M (American Academy of Anti Aging Medicine) in Orlando last month, I was convinced that I have to incorporate skin treatment into the health and healing protocols at Radiant Health Center. Health and Beauty are inseparable. As important as it is what you put into your body, it is just the same with your skin. Why? The skin is the largest 'organ' we have; it is the connection and protection between the inner and outer body environment. A matrix that exchanges electrical frequencies from the outer to the inner structure of all our cells. Just like the earth has an electrical field that protects us from a hostile environment, but also effects changes on her surface, reaching deep into her soil (skin).
So I looked for the most innovative products for skin care and instruments that would allow a deep penetration of rejuvenating ingredients. I decided to introduce NuSkin"s "Galvanic Spa" as a device to bring spa quality treatments into the privacy of your home. It is easy to apply, and time and cost effective. The immediate and long term results are astounding. The company has more than 25 years of scientific research and development under it's belt, it is doing business for 25 years now. I trust this, and so can you.
If you are interested in a demonstration for your own skin rejuvenation, or are interested in the business opportunity with NuSkin, come to Radiant Health Center on Saturday May 23rd at 10:00AM. It's going to be fun, exciting, and may put some, or a lot of extra money into your pocket.
If you don't live in Freeport and can't attend the meeting, contact me and I can still assist you with becoming part of a rising star business with this incredible product.
I will have more detailed information for you tomorrow.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Time to get measured and encouraged again.

Hello All!

So, you have started (some of you are already half way through) the 30 day challenge. You should see some results by now. All the headaches and discomfort with the detox symptoms should be finished (except for those who just started).
The first week is the toughest, then it get better, and better, and better.... I have started with you (the first group) and enter my 3rd week now. I had actually gained 2 pounds in the first week. I had to adjust my munching on too much of the good stuff, like nuts and seeds. Even of all the allowed foods, one can overdo it; calories don't need to be counted, but they do count. Especially if you don't get enough exercise. So I took it easy on the nuts, and increased my exercises. I have not only lost the 2 pounds and a few more, but I see a change in my body shape; I like it! As I told you, you have to exercise every day. At least 15 minutes of concentrated high intensity workout (the ones we practiced on the field the other day). If you have any concerns with this, or want to come in for more instruction, please call me and I will arrange to meet with you.

I also want to have everybody at the Center on Tuesday evening at 5:30 PM for a one hour long instruction on visualization, self hypnosis and positive thinking, and share thoughts about your progress or the lack of it.
I will send out e-mails to everybody as a reminder.
Until then, stay focused! Don't cheat! be stubbornly consistent with your program, and you will be successful. I guarantee it! It's only for 30 days!! You can do it.. I believe in you and I love you.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Time to get dead serious about your commitment

Hello again!
Well firstly I have to apologize for a a laps of 4 days although I promised a blog every 2 days.
I tried to find out why it seems to be difficult to respond or follow my blogs. It looks like google wants you to have an account with them, albeit free, but not everybody may want to do this. I still will work on a solution. Of course when my website is up and running (2 weeks hopefully), we will not have this problem anymore.

Today is check up day:
Answer these questions truthfully (who do you want to kid anyway?)

1.) Have you written clearly and well described your goals? Have you looked at them every day and restated your commitment to follow through 100%? Anything less is not acceptable, and will only make you feel bad about yourself until you give up. Don't do it! It has been shown that if you have written down your goals in a clear and time sensitive manner, and prepare your meals at least a day ahead, the success rate is 98% secured. In today's uncertainty, I take 98% for sure at any time. It's only for 30 days! I hold you accountable. Are you writing your food and liquids in your food journal? No? Why not? Please start immediately; it will help you to see if you plateau in your weightloss what may cause it. Just d
o it. Follow through. Most failures can be prevented by just following through to the end, no matter what! You will be so proud of yourself!!! 2.) We will start a regular workout that you can do at home. It will only take between 15 and 20 minutes; twice a day. It is called the Integrated workout. Every muscle in your body will be worked. No equipment necessary. You need to come to the Center so we can practice the sequence a few times. I will send out personal e-mails later tonight to which I expect a quick reply to find what time would be convenient for everybody. So, as of Monday January 26 you will be entering a new phase; you will be joining "Angelika's Bootcamp" You want to detox, reshape your body, implement some healthier eating habits (for life) and get energetic, powerful and ageless! Don't you? So let's do it! See you soon at the Center. Much love (yes, I love you) and joy, Angelika

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How are you guys doing on your cleanse? Whether you are still on the Lemonade detox, or have already started the 30 days Elimination diet, I want to hear from you.
What are your challenges? Any strong detox symptoms? What has changed? Maybe you want to add some action to your regimen; something that will inspire you, get your energy flowing and your metabolism stimulated.
Listen to your body, do some deep breathing in fresh air (or open window), while visualizing your body clean and energized. In your mind, hold the vision of your perfect body, now breathe in the new good eating habits, breathe out the old bad habits. Do this for at least 3 Minutes, then smile, or laugh out loud, or do the chicken dance, real or in your mind. Just really feel it, with energy and excitement. Now go into your bathroom, strip naked and look at your body. Yes look at yourself and say out loud: "I love you! I really love and appreciate you!" If you can say that with some conviction (even if you don't believe it fully yet), your body will become more responsive and cooperative. Just imagine you tell your best friend constantly how you don't like this and that, and always look with critique and disgust at her/him. How long do you think your best friend will stay with you? Right...not for long. So, your body IS you best friend; treat it like one!!
Makes sense? I thought so.
Let me hear from you by following my blog and signing up for it. Explore the options you have here.
Let's make it fun, o.k.?
Angelika Christie

Monday, January 19, 2009

Starting with the Master Cleanser?

Yes, by all means. The Lemonade Fast is a great way to get to a clean slate before the elimination diet. It gets you definately on the right track. After 3-5 days on the Lemonade Cleanse, you will be so happy to eat some good nutricious food. So, you may want to take a break from food all together for a few days while you clean out your cupboards, and prepare for the 30 days by making your shopping list, for the following plan. Don't forget to state your intention for the day EVERY MORNING after you wake up. Maybe have "post it" with your affirmation all over your home; especially on your bathroom mirror! Drink a large glass of water to cleanse your internal digestive tract from mucous that has accumulated during the night. Do some deep breathing and sit in meditation for at least 5 minutes. Smile, and ( if it gets your energy rise ) do the "chicken dance" in joyful acknowledgment while you visualize having reached your goal. Now you are ready to do some vigorous exercise form your personal program. Your breakfast should include some protein (if you are not on the Lemonade Fast). Enjoy every moment of your morning, because it will set the tone for the day. Shower, and off you go to work, or wherever you may spend your day. More later.....

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Weightloss and detox challenge

To all of my brave warriors for health.
First I have to tell you how proud I am of you to have made up your mind to cleanse your body and get rid of the accumulated toxic waste within the next 30 days. Why 30 days? Because if you have been disciplined and eliminated all toxic elements from your diet, it will be much easier for you to continue on a healthy path.
So here we go with day 1
After you have removed all processed and packaged food from your cupboards and refrigerators, let's get started with a day on the "master cleanser" the lemonade diet. If you have not gotten the instructions from me yet, e-mail me, or come by the Center to pick it up.
Next get some meal plans and other hand outs by e-mailing me.
You have to be in this 100%, no cheating, no faltering. I am with you all the way.
For this reason did I create this blog.
Please use it to tell me how you are doing from day to day. Yes, I want to hear from you OFTEN!

Don't ever forget that I am your coach. I love you and will support you in your efforts!

Angelika Christie