Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Final part of Love for your Heart
· Deep breathing
Your breath brings oxygen into your blood and carries it to the heart.
You can live without food for weeks, without water for many days, but without breath, your life is over in less than 10 Minutes. So you see how important breathing is. It is automatic, just like our heart- beat, but the quality of your breathing needs to be updated when we have become adults.
When you were a baby, you knew how to breathe perfectly, it is part of our primal condition. Somewhere along the way to adulthood, you started breathing shallow and incomplete, even holding your breath under stress. So, most of us have to re-learn this natural event better earlier than later.
Let me see how many of you breathe correctly….
Take a conscious breath in now….and then release. Repeat this two more times…
How many of you expanded their bellies on the in-breath? How deep into your diaphragm did your breath travel? Or was the expansion mostly from your chest, maybe even sucking your stomach in? Especially you ladies, have you been taught to suck your stomach in and hold it there for a sexier figure? Or is it that accumulated stress and anxieties have reversed a healthy breathing you were born with, but now squeezes oxygen right out of your system?
Your breath is closely related to your heart. You can regulate your heartbeat with your breath. You can bring relaxation and peace into your body with your breath. The most powerful tool for balancing your
emotions is through pranayama…the art of breathing.
So, I have given you a lot of food for thought. Take it deep into your conscious mind and listen to the wisdom of your body.
What are you prepared to do or eliminate for the health and love of your
Write it down now.
Your short term goal (starting tomorrow )
Your long term goal ( where do you see yourself in 1 year, 5 years )
How long do you want to live?
Last thoughts:
· Don’t take yourself so seriously!
· Life is not hard; it is an experience.
· You have a choice at every moment; choose what is good and true and
· Beautiful!
· Honor your body; honor your life.
· Play more. Have more fun
· Laugh more
· Experiment. Take risk. Be creative
· Don’t blame anybody. Forgive for the sake of your heart
Say a big “yes” to life every morning after you wake up
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Will you care for your Heart? Part 3
· Supplemental support
Unless you live in a rural area where daily fresh produce is offered from the local markets that were harvested within the area, I believe that good supplements from an organic natural source can be helpful in raising the nutritional value of your grocery bought food.
Everybody’s needs are different, so I won’t go into this here. Let me just mention some heart specific remedies like Co Enzyme Q 10, Magnesium, Acetyl L-Carnitine. Folic Acid. You can find out more about these by contacting me.
· Emotional wellbeing
Even if you eat the best food and exercise, your emotional wellbeing has an even stronger effect on your heart. Of course, you would seldom see somebody eating well and exercising and being deeply depressed. Stressed out and emotionally challenged people are usually unkind to their bodies and binge on unhealthy, or junk foods alongside with a rather lethargic deposition.
Your heart receives your thoughts and emotions first, and then sends them to your brain. So which organ do you think has a higher frequency, which is like a powerful signal that can be measured easily? We used to think that it was our brain waves, but we learned that it is actually the heart whose frequency is 50 times stronger than that of the brain. Amazing isn’t it? So who do you think is in command of your body?
Yes, it is your heart.
Chronic, or repeated negative emotions damage your heart over time.
Some of these emotions come from thoughts on unresolved issues, usually from the past. But also people who always worry about the future are in danger of heart disease.
The care of your heart takes a daily exercise in reflection of your thinking and attitude. Your thoughts create the emotion you find yourself in and the attitude you display.
Remember that the heart creates an amazing amount of energy, physically and also on a higher, non -physical level. So any of the negative emotions like fear, anger, resentment, jealousy, hatred, or any non-loving thoughts about yourself damage your heart.
· How big is your “YES” to life?
· How often do you laugh a day?
· How personal do you take what other people say or think about you?
· How much do you love yourself? Really love yourself without judgment?
· What are you prepared to let go of for the care of your heart?
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Your Heart needs exercise and...
· Exercise
Your body is made for moving. We all live a much too laid back life.
Your heart is a muscle that needs to be exercised and challenged. How many flights of stairs can you run up without the feeling that your heart is ready to jump out of your chest? In order to train your heart to stay strong and healthy, you need to get out of breath for a couple of minutes, allow it to calm down and challenge it again a few times more. Do it once or twice a day for your heart, lungs and metabolism.
This is what our ancestors did; they ran a short distance to catch their prey…never for 30 minutes or an hour like so many do in a gym. It is unnatural to run for long distances, but short frequent ones are great for your heart. Building it up in intensity rather than distance.
If your heart is not used to be challenged regularly and learns how cope with stress and learns how to calm down, it will buckle under a possible shock or heart attack, which may kill you on the spot.
· Avoiding drugs
Avoid all drugs if at all possible. All healing takes place through right food, exercise, detoxing your body regularly, and a positive attitude.
There are no incurable diseases, but only incurable people. Your body can heal and renew anything in your body if you listen to its inner wisdom. What you have to do is stop immediately what you did that made you sick. A program of healing foods and herbs can support your body to heal itself. Your 70 trillion cells are that smart.
The place where you can get all information about your unique Self is in your heart and also your guts. So, before you allow pharmaceutical drugs, look to natural sources of healing. Nobody can heal you; it is between you and Nature. Nobody can help you, if you do not listen to your body and stop what makes you sick. No doctor can help you, if you do not take responsibility for healing yourself. I cannot help you either, unless you listen to your inner wisdom and take action to reverse the unhealthy habits and give your body what it needs to repair and heal itself.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Will you care for your heart part 2
Avoid all animal fats. Use virgin, cold pressed olive oil, coconut oil, safflower oil, flaxseed oil, or any other nut oil for your cooking and salad dressings. Use only freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice, or non-processed apple cider vinegar. A pinch of sea salt is usually enough for seasoning alongside with lots of herbs and spices.
Drink colorful herbal teas instead of sugary commercial juices…and please, stay away from all Sodas!
Alongside with bad fats and animal products, sugar is a killer. It turns into fat anyway, raises your heart- beat and gives you a rush that ends quickly with a super let down. This Yoyo up and down puts undo stress on your heart.
Write down your typical breakfast, lunch and dinner selection:
How much is fresh, live food and how much is processed or dead food?
What do you see?
· Exercise
Your body is made for moving. We all live a much too laid back life.
Your heart is a muscle that needs to be exercised and challenged. How many flights of stairs can you run up without the feeling that your heart is ready to jump out of your chest? In order to train your heart to stay strong and healthy, you need to get out of breath for a couple of minutes, allow it to calm down and challenge it again a few times more. Do it once or twice a day for your heart, lungs and metabolism.
This is what our ancestors did; they ran a short distance to catch their prey…never for 30 minutes or an hour like so many do in a gym. It is unnatural to run for long distances, but short frequent ones are great for your heart. Building it up in intensity rather than distance.
If your heart is not used to be challenged regularly and learns how cope with stress and learns how to calm down, it will buckle under a possible shock or heart attack, which may kill you on the spot.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Will you care for your Heart?
Your heart is the most powerful organ in your body.
It represents the first sign of life in the womb of a woman…there is a heartbeat…a fetus is growing into a human being.
There is nothing else in your body that you can feel and be aware of as much as the pulsating rhythm of your heart. When your heart stops beating for more than a few minutes, all systems of your body start to shut down.
There is so much talk about diseases like Cancer and Aids and Diabetes, but the number One cause of death is still from heart disease; but it is preventable.
So, how do you keep your heart strong and healthy all the way into your old age? What is it that you know about preventing heart disease?
· Nutrition
A diet needs to consist of mostly fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes and grains.
If your heart is healthy, the occasional animal protein of fresh fish, organic chicken and grass fed beef is fine.
If you have heart disease, you must eliminate all animal flesh, and the products of animals, like milk, cheese and eggs.
Why? Because they clog up your arteries with fat and mucus, thicken your blood and limit the uptake of oxygen. Yes, your heart needs oxygen too, not just your lungs.
You have to stay away from deep fried foods and all processed meats.
If you eat more dead food than fresh produce, you shorten your life every day. This is not just a rule for a healthy heart, but your entire body system.
Just remember this: Life food, which has all nutrients and enzymes and life force in tact, support healthy cells and especially the re-building of healthy cells. The life force in fruits and vegetables comes from the sun. Tiny particles of light, also called photons, are present in all fresh and raw produce. If an animal is killed and you eat its flesh, your body is under stress and your health may get compromised. Don’t eat animal flesh, or at least cut down as much as possible. If you cannot sustain from eating dead animals, make sure they comes from a clean and natural source wild or kept in natural and healthy condition; not treated with antibiotics, hormones, steroids and pesticides.
All colorful fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants. Make sure you eat only colorful fresh food. Your heart loves it, your blood stays clean and your immune system can overcome any attack from the outside.
Who owns a juicer? Do you use it daily?
The best way to cleanse you blood and keep your arteries clean is daily juicing and consuming up to a quart of freshly juiced fruits and vegetables.
Avoid all animal fats. Use virgin, cold pressed olive oil, coconut oil, safflower oil, flaxseed oil, or any other nut oil for your cooking and salad dressings. Use only freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice, or non-processed apple cider vinegar. A pinch of sea salt is usually enough for seasoning alongside with lots of herbs and spices.
Drink colorful herbal teas instead of sugary commercial juices…and please, stay away from Sodas!
Alongside with bad fats and animal products, sugar is a killer. It turns into fat anyway, raises your heart- beat and gives you a rush that ends quickly with a super let down. This Yoyo up and down puts stress on your heart.
Write down your typical breakfast, lunch and dinner selection.
How much is fresh, live food and how much is processed or dead food?
What do you see?
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Should Reiki be abandoned?
Go to the website and search for "Reiki" and the article with the threads will show up.
The below is my response to Professor Ernst, recommending to abandon the clinical research for
Reiki in Medicine.
Do we really need proof of universal life force energy? What if we just stay informed about the newest discoveries of science? Scientific research now proves, what was known thousands of years ago in China and India, and probably other places that all is energy, including our physical bodies. We are all connected through a matrix of energy that reaches deep down into each cell of our body. What happens outside of our body, especially within our energy field, is received instantaneously by every cell. In everything we receive, medically approved or not, there is a placebo effect. Why? Because our believes and feelings either accept or reject the 'message' in whatever way it arrives. A great way for lay people to understand this is in the DVD "The Science of Miracles". Reiki is not different from other approved energy medicine modalities; all work with' life force energy' that is available to everybody. The difference between, lets say 'Acupuncture' and Reiki is the non mechanical, but intent driven position of the facilitator during a Reiki session. There is so much more to say about Reiki and why it 'works' and is possibly the most gentle and loving healing modality available today. It is trans-formative to the recipient as well as the facilitator...and there we have the new paradigm that recognizes that nothing is separate. Personally, I do not care whether Reiki will be 'accepted' by mainstream Medicine. All that matters is that Reiki always works whether you believe it or not...just not always in the way you want if from your Ego. Why? Because it is guided by the highest intention for healing, which cannot always been calculated by the analytical, the 'small mind'. The practice of Reiki is a divine art, if you allow that highest part of yourself to move into pure intent for the good of the person who receives it; no ego..nothing to prove.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Summer Yoga Schedule
We will resume our Yoga practice with meditation and breathing exercises in a new location.
We are lucky to have been invited to use the covered deck of the "Junkanoo Beach Club" on Taino Beach ( right next to the former Stone Crab Restaurant).
We will be sheltered from the sun and possible rain by a high wooden roof, but able to take full advantage of the gentle sea breeze and high prana energy so close to the ocean.
Here are the days and times for Yoga on the Beach with Angelika Christie (me:-))
- Mondays from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
- Tuesdays from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM
- Thursdays from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
- Fridays from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Please don't be later than 10 Minutes, after which we start with the practice.
I believe that after 10:00 AM you will be able to have breakfast or brunch on the same deck at the restaurant.
Please bring your mat and pillow(s) and a bottle of water. I will have some mats for rent for $ 1.00, but you must have a towel to cover the mat:-)
Hope to see many of you at this beautiful spot right on the beach.
The time, to de-stress and heal your body and emotions, has never been more important than right now! As we all go through the changes and shifts in energy towards higher evolutionary consciousness , just like our earth, allow me to support you in bringing health and harmony to your life.
Great Love and Blessings,
Angelika Christie
Call me at 242-373-2357 or e-mail me to sign up.
Donations are still the same as before.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
3rd showing of Gregg Braden's "The Science of Miracles"
"The Science of Miracles" will be presented again next week Monday the 8th of March at 1:00PM sharp. Again there will be only a limited amount of seats available, so please call and reserve your seat as soon as possible.
A snack and a beverage will be provided and the donation for this and the film is $ 10.00 to cover the costs of the event.
Please call me to make sure you have a seat:-)
The film shows the scientific proof of the Quantum Language of Healing, Peace, Feeling, and Belief.
It is one of the most important films you will ever see; it will change your life forever.
Much love and blessings,
Monday, March 1, 2010
Thank you for your participation!
Thank you for coming to get inspired an nourished (body, mind and soul).
It was a blessing that not all 20 people who wanted to come, showed up; I thought my Center ( Radiant Health Center in Freeport, Bahamas) would hold that many people... but I could see, that 14 of you had just enough space to enjoy the light lunch and at the same time see Gregg Braden's amazing presentation "The Science of Miracles".
So in the future I will keep the maximum available seats to 16 people to make sure everybody is comfortable; t least if it is again a 'film and a lunch'.
I enjoyed so much to the discussion time following the presentation. Didn't we all felt unity in our hearts and the call to service for a higher good? I think the time is NOW to come together as a group to facilitate change. We start in ourselves, in our families and communities, which affects our country and touches all of humankind. You and I can positively affect and facilitate the healing process between Nations. Our beloved earth needs our focused love energy from our hearts as well.
So here is a call to action!
If you want to be an active participant in facilitating positive change in the world and don't know how, please contact me!
We only need 36 dedicated people to 'jump-start' a real and measurable shift from crime and misery. The result will be better, healthier and more abundant people and communities in 'The Bahamas' and beyond.
Please go into your heart and ask yourself if you want to become actively involved in this budding community of like minded people who have a burning desire for 'the good', 'the true' and 'the beautiful'. We have a choice in the inevitable evolutionary shift. Do we buy into anxiety and fear, or do we live from our heart and become the change we want to see in our world.
Collectively, we have the power to create either Hell or Paradise; the thoughts and emotions we create in ourselves are mirrored back to us in our world.
What do you feel and consequently create?
Please wake up, step out of the illusion of inability and fear and step into your God given freedom that is realized and manifested when you drop the Ego and release your Heart and Soul Energy. We are all connected in this, but those who are awake now have the beautiful 'job' to help other in the 'birthing process' into the new world era of peace, love an cooperation.
Are you awake??
Call me:-)
All of my love and blessings are already yours.
Monday, February 22, 2010
New and revised Yoga Schedule!
Hello my Yoga family,
Please note the changes in the Yoga schedule.
Due to numerous requests, I changed the days and times.
The new Yoga schedule comes into effect as of this week.
I have 2 evening Yoga classes now: Tuesdays and Thursdays with a new time, starting at 6:00 PM (so you get home a bit earlier:-)
I have 2 morning Yoga classes now: Tuesdays and Thursdays with a new time, starting at 8:45 AM (to include mothers with small children who have to drop them off to school first).
I have 1 late morning class every Saturday now, with a new time of 10:00 AM
Sorry, but I had to drop the Friday morning class. Hope you can instead arrange your time for Thursday morning or evening.
Thank you for your understanding and participation.
P.S. If you can think of anybody in your circle of friends or family that could profit from the practice of Yoga,
please feel free to forward this message.