Monday, February 22, 2010

New and revised Yoga Schedule!

Hello my Yoga family,

Please note the changes in the Yoga schedule.
Due to numerous requests, I changed the days and times.

The new Yoga schedule comes into effect as of this week.

I have 2 evening Yoga classes now: Tuesdays and Thursdays with a new time, starting at 6:00 PM (so you get home a bit earlier:-)
I have 2 morning Yoga classes now: Tuesdays and Thursdays with a new time, starting at 8:45 AM (to include mothers with small children who have to drop them off to school first).
I have 1 late morning class every Saturday now, with a new time of 10:00 AM

Sorry, but I had to drop the Friday morning class. Hope you can instead arrange your time for Thursday morning or evening.

Thank you for your understanding and participation.


P.S. If you can think of anybody in your circle of friends or family that could profit from the practice of Yoga,
please feel free to forward this message.